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Thursday, November 15, 2007

[PDF] The Simple Information Security Audit Process: SISAP

The SISAP (Simple Information Security Audit Process) is a dynamic security audit methodology fully compliant with the ISO 17799 and BS 7799.2, and conformant with the ISO 14508 in terms of its functionality guidelines. The SISAP employs a simulation-based rule base generator that balances risks and business value generation capabilities using the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle imposed in BS 7799.2. The SISAP employs a concept proof approach based on 10 information security best practices investigation sections, 36 information security objectives, and 127 information security requirements, as specified in the ISO 17799. The auditor may apply, for collecting, analyzing, and fusing audit evidence obtained at various audit steps, selected analytical models like certainty factors, probabilities, fuzzy sets, and basic belief assignments. The SISAP adopts fully automated elicitation worksheets, as in SASA (Standard Analytic Security Audit), COBRA, and others.

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