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Thursday, July 19, 2007

The ISO27001 Certification Process

Some of the most common questions pertaining to the 27000 series of standards relate to the certification process for ISO27001. This page is intended to help address some of these.

In a nutshell, the following diagram explains the logical flow of the process itself:

ISO27001 Certification Process

The process starts when the organization makes the decision to embark upon the exercise. Clearly, at this point, it is also important to ensure management commitment and then assign responsibilities for the project itself.

An organizational top level policy can then be developed and published. This can, and will normally, be supported by subordinate policies. The next stage is particularly critical: scoping. This will define which part(s) of the organization will be covered by the ISMS. Typically, it will define the location, assets and technology to be included.

At this stage a risk assessment will be undertaken, to determine the organization's risk exposure/profile, and identify the best route to address this. The document produced will be the basis for the next stage, which will be the management of those risks. A part of this process will be selection of appropriate controls with respect to those outlined in the standard (and ISO27002), with the justification for each decision recorded in a Statement of Applicability (SOA). The controls themselves should then be implemented as appropriate.

The certification process itself can then be embarked upon via a suitable accredited third party.

1 comment:

ISO 27001 Certification said...

The goal of an ISO 27001 Training is to put in place an information security management system (ISMS). Mainly, you should remember that it involves specifying and implementing a system (people and processes) that manages information system security.